New York Birth Injury Lawyer

Birth Injuries in NY

LLF Injury Lawyers is known throughout NY for handling birth injury cases, and at a low 29% contingency fee.  Our top birth injury lawyers are here to help.

Birth injuries can be devastating, and the severity of these injuries can vary.

LLF Injury Lawyers, with a low 29%  contingency fee, will fight to get you maximum compensation.

Some of the worst birth injuries include:

  1. Cerebral Palsy:

    • Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders affecting movement and muscle coordination. It is often caused by damage to the developing brain, and while it can have various causes, birth injuries, particularly those involving oxygen deprivation, can contribute to its development.
  2. Erb’s Palsy (Brachial Plexus Injury):

    • This injury affects the nerves in the upper arm, often caused by shoulder dystocia during childbirth. It can result in weakness or paralysis in the affected arm.
  3. Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE):

    • HIE occurs when the brain doesn’t receive enough oxygen and blood, leading to damage. It is a serious condition that can result from complications during labor and delivery.
  4. Facial Nerve Injuries:

    • Trauma during birth, especially with the use of forceps or vacuum extractors, can lead to facial nerve injuries, causing temporary or permanent facial paralysis.
  5. Fractures and Skeletal Injuries:

    • Fractures of the clavicle or other bones may occur during difficult deliveries. While these injuries often heal with proper care, they can still cause significant pain and complications.
  6. Intracranial Hemorrhage:

    • Bleeding within the baby’s skull can occur due to trauma during delivery, leading to potential brain damage and long-term neurological issues.

Doctor’s mistakes that could contribute to these birth injuries include:

  1. Failure to Monitor Fetal Distress:

    • Inadequate monitoring of the baby’s vital signs during labor can lead to a failure to identify signs of distress, such as a drop in heart rate or oxygen levels.
  2. Delayed C-Section:

    • If a medical professional fails to perform a timely cesarean section (C-section) in the presence of complications such as fetal distress or a difficult delivery, it can lead to oxygen deprivation and birth injuries.
  3. Misuse of Assisted Delivery Tools:

    • Improper use of forceps or vacuum extractors can cause trauma to the baby, leading to injuries such as facial nerve damage or skull fractures.
  4. Medication Errors:

    • Incorrect administration of medications, such as dosage errors or improper use of labor-inducing drugs, can have serious consequences for both the mother and the baby.
  5. Failure to Recognize and Address Complications:

    • Medical professionals must be vigilant in recognizing and addressing complications during labor, such as umbilical cord issues, breech presentations, or shoulder dystocia.
  6. Inadequate Communication:

    • Poor communication among healthcare providers can lead to mistakes, misunderstandings, and delays in critical decision-making during childbirth.

It’s important to note that not all birth injuries are the result of medical mistakes, as some complications are unforeseeable and unpreventable. However, when medical negligence or errors contribute to birth injuries, families may pursue legal action to seek compensation for the long-term care and challenges associated with these injuries. Consulting with a medical malpractice attorney can help determine if there are grounds for a legal claim.

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Birth Injuries and Fetal Monitoring

Fetal monitoring is a crucial aspect of prenatal care and childbirth, providing valuable information about the well-being of the baby during pregnancy and labor. However, mistakes or misinterpretations in fetal monitoring can have serious consequences for both the mother and the baby. Here are some common mistakes associated with fetal monitoring:

  1. Inadequate Monitoring:

    • Insufficient or infrequent monitoring during labor may lead to a failure to detect signs of fetal distress. Continuous monitoring is essential in high-risk pregnancies or when complications are present.
  2. Misinterpretation of Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) Patterns:

    • Fetal heart rate patterns are indicators of the baby’s well-being. Misinterpreting these patterns can lead to incorrect assessments of fetal distress or unnecessary interventions.
  3. Failure to Respond to Abnormal Readings:

    • Even when abnormalities in the fetal heart rate or other monitoring parameters are identified, a failure to promptly respond with appropriate interventions, such as changes in maternal positioning, oxygen administration, or expedited delivery, can result in adverse outcomes.
  4. Improper Placement of Monitoring Devices:

    • Incorrect placement of fetal monitoring devices, such as external Doppler devices or internal scalp electrodes, can lead to inaccurate readings and compromise the effectiveness of monitoring.
  5. Equipment Malfunctions:

    • Malfunctions or errors in the fetal monitoring equipment itself can occur, leading to inaccurate readings. Regular maintenance and calibration of monitoring devices are essential to minimize the risk of technical errors.

The Apgar score is a quick assessment tool used to evaluate the overall health of a newborn immediately after birth. It was developed by Dr. Virginia Apgar and consists of evaluating the baby’s appearance, pulse, grimace response, activity, and respiration. Each of these components is given a score between 0 and 2, with a maximum total score of 10. The Apgar score is typically assessed at one minute and five minutes after birth. Here’s a brief overview of the components:

  1. Appearance (Skin Color):

    • 0: Blue or pale all over
    • 1: Body pink, extremities blue
    • 2: Pink all over
  2. Pulse (Heart Rate):

    • 0: Absent
    • 1: Less than 100 beats per minute
    • 2: Over 100 beats per minute
  3. Grimace Response (Reflexes):

    • 0: No response to stimulation
    • 1: Grimace or weak response to stimulation
    • 2: Vigorous cry or active withdrawal from stimulation
  4. Activity (Muscle Tone):

    • 0: Limp or flaccid
    • 1: Some flexion of extremities
    • 2: Active movement, well-flexed
  5. Respiration (Breathing Rate and Effort):

    • 0: Absent
    • 1: Weak or irregular
    • 2: Strong cry, good respiratory effort

A total score of 7 or above is generally considered normal, while a score below 7 may indicate the need for medical attention and further evaluation. The Apgar score provides a quick snapshot of the newborn’s condition but does not predict long-term health outcomes. It is one of several tools used by healthcare professionals to assess a baby’s well-being at birth.

Contact A Birth Injury Attorney in NY Today at LLF Injury Lawyers

LLF Injury Lawyers, with a low 29%  contingency fee, will fight to get you maximum compensation.